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The Humem State Foundation as a US Protectorate


How can a humem-state come into existence where no humem-state has existed before?


Nation-states come into being in one of two ways: they supplant preexisting states or they are incrementally established in domains where no states existed previously. Because the humem-state is a new kind of state and not a reconstitution of any existing state, the latter instance applies here. Even so, a new and effective state has to be based on solid foundations. And in a real world whose physical, economic, and intellectual resources are still divided among the jurisdictions of nation-states, the first humem-state must be derived from within a nation-state.

A nascent state that is created as an offshoot of, and under the protection of, an existing state is typically considered a colony or protectorate of the existing state. Usually, the colony adopts the mother state’s legal and economic systems, and its residents retain strong cultural and social ties with the mother state. This allows the colony to become established and to develop greater capabilities and autonomy without having to “reinvent the wheel” in most aspects of its existence. Such a path to inception is especially necessary if the new state is established in an environment where it is vulnerable to attack by powerful external national or commercial entities.

The early humem-state—the Humem State Foundation—will initially exist within the jurisdiction and under the auspices of the United States of America. During this period, it will comply with the applicable laws and regulations, and will enjoy the protections that the United States confers on institutions within its dominion.
Many of its initial citizens are derivatives and extensions of United States citizens with whom the humem-state has a close cultural affinity. For these reasons, we can regard the Humem State Foundation as a locationless colony or protectorate of the United States of America.

A new humem-state has to first conform with current reality before it can create a new reality!

To integrate with existing frameworks, and to be accordant with its broader benefits to society, the early humem-state has been formally established as a US-based 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Conceptually, however, to maintain the long-term vision of an autonomous humem-state, the relationship between the humem-state and the United States should be regarded as that between a protectorate and its protecting state. Of course, to fulfill the higher aspirations of the humem-citizens and their human originators, the humem-state must strive for the eventual development of a framework more conducive to its long-term goals.

Even though the initial conformity to and inclusion within the United States introduces a number of transitory limitations on the autonomous functioning of the humem-state and its citizens, this strategy delivers a practical and credible path toward the establishment of an operative humem-state in the real world. Not unlike how the American British colonies developed and ultimately gained independence from their mother country, the humem-state will develop toward eventual independence and freedom from its mother state. Such an outcome is appropriate, just, and even optimal for all parties once a state, which exists outside the natural domain of its mother state, becomes able and self-sufficient.


Despite some initial tribulations, Britain’s independent outgrowths subsequently enriched and fortified the mother country by providing technological and cultural innovations, and even by contributing to British defense during critical moments in history.


Similarly, an independent humem-state, emanating from the United States of America, will ultimately enrich the United States and make its citizens safer, freer, and more capable.


Moreover, due to the increasing globalization of humems’ constituents and interactions, the humem-state will be able to provide the same benefits to the citizens of other nations.

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